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When We Were Young (Cover)

TCMi's program for vocalists includes training in piano as a minor, as it is essential for aligning vocals with a chord progression when no musician is available. The program is built on discipline and emphasizes hard work rather than shortcuts, as unlike keyboards, one cannot transpose to a higher key while playing in a comfortable key.

At TCMi, students receive step-by-step guidance and unlimited support to develop their vocal talent, whether they are a beginner or an advanced singer. The program covers a wide range of areas, including vocal techniques, ear training, music theory, recording, and live performance.

For more advanced students, we assesses their playing abilities and helps them accomplish their musical goals. The program believes that everyone can learn to play and is committed to making the learning experience a great one by going the extra mile.

Student Performances


TCMi Winter Recital 2022

TCMi Winter Recital 2022

TCMi Winter Recital 2022
Keong - TCMi  Winter Recital 2022

Keong - TCMi Winter Recital 2022

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Ameliah TCMi Winter Recital 2022

Ameliah TCMi Winter Recital 2022

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Course Fee

Course Fee
        90 Day
Musician Course
Monthly Plan

Course  plan includes 12  lessons 

30 minute lessons: $389.99 

45 minute lessons: $584.99 (recommended)

60 minute lessons: $779.99

Monthly plan includes four  lessons

30 minute lessons: $150

45 minute lessons: $220  (recommended)

60 minute lessons: $300

Vocal +

Vocal +

Vocal training, or learning to sing, offers numerous benefits. Here are five key advantages:

1. Improved Vocal Technique: Vocal training helps you develop proper singing techniques, such as breath control, vocal range expansion, pitch accuracy, and vocal resonance. By strengthening your vocal muscles and learning correct posture, you can enhance the quality and control of your voice.

2. Increased Confidence: Singing training can boost your self-confidence. As you improve your vocal skills and gain control over your voice, you'll feel more comfortable expressing yourself through singing. Performing in front of others and receiving positive feedback can further enhance your self-assurance.

3. Enhanced Communication Skills: Singing involves conveying emotions and messages through your voice. Vocal training helps you develop clarity and expressiveness in your singing, which can also transfer to your everyday communication skills. It can improve your diction, projection, and overall vocal presence.

4. Stress Relief and Emotional Well-being: Singing has a therapeutic effect on the mind and body. It releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which can reduce stress, uplift your mood, and provide emotional release. Singing also stimulates deep breathing, promoting relaxation and mindfulness.

5. Social Opportunities and Community: Singing is often a communal activity. Vocal training can lead to opportunities to join choirs, singing groups, or bands. Engaging in group singing not only allows you to connect with others who share your passion but also provides a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

It's worth noting that consistent vocal training and practice are crucial for maximizing these benefits. Additionally, individual experiences may vary, as each person's vocal journey is unique.

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